Wednesday, May 27, 2009

25 Weeks

I almost forgot! Last week was so insane getting ready to take off for Arizona, that I totally spaced the belly picture! I'm trying to take a picture every 4 weeks. This one is a week and some days late. Oh well! The next one will just come a lot sooner, so those of you waiting on the edge of your seats won't have to wait too long.

I chopped off my head in this picture because yesterday was NOT a good day for me. I was exhausted from my trip and throwing up all day. And boy did I look it. Yuck. Other than that, I've been feeling mostly normal. I'm not too huge, though I feel like I am. The little boy is busy kicking me all day long, and it feels like he's three feet long. We're still not entirely set on the name, but we're thinking either Mason or Logan. What do you guys think? (John is the middle name, there's no budging on that- Dale is stubborn)

Mason is my favorite, but I'm just not as completely sure about it as I was with Brighton. The first time, as soon as we found out it was a girl, we were VERY sure about Brighton being her name. I just don't want to wait until I see him to decide. I want it to be a DONE DEAL!

And I'm working on his bedding! I cut up the fabric for the crib bumper this morning and that should be finished here pretty quick. I'll get a picture of the fabric at least for you to see. I think I'm going to wait until everything is done before I share the finished products! And Dale and I are going to go and pick out our paint colors this week. Besides the baby room, we're planning on painting almost every room upstairs, as well as the hallways, and I want to repaint our bedroom furniture and antique it. Lots to do before little boy arrives!
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  1. Of Course i love the name Logan...he he....Mason is totally cute I like Mason John.....oh what to decide!!! its so tough!!!

  2. We vote for Logan. Gotta keep the "Utah" theme going. Plus Logan is Wolverine. And we both just like the name. Mason is good too. But I like the sound of Logan John better than Mason John and I like how Brighton and Logan sound together. But I'll love Mason if that's the name you choose :-).

  3. Such an exciting time! FUN - be careful around those paint fums girlfriend! This is a time to sit out and let Dale do the painting. You are TINY - I hate you! JUST KIDDING! You are truly amazing girlfriend, even if you are young enough to be my daughter & super skinny for a prego woman!

  4. I think Mason is adorbable, but I love Logan - Tough call. But.....I think Logan wins. Ok, I graduated from Utah State, so maybe I as biased.

  5. Ur CUTE! I love the BUDAH Bump! Call my crazy, psycho or just NUTSO.. But i really MISS mine! :(
