Friday, June 12, 2009

Lack of Crafts

Not too much crafting going on this week. I've been busy CLEANING and ORGANIZING my craft room! While it's been functional, it has been no where near ideal for creativity. I thought about taking a before picture, but it would just be too embarrassing to share. Everyone thinks I'm so clean and organized; best not to ruin my reputation.
All of my stuff is now organized and put away in the closet. There's really nothing left in the room except for my desk and another Tupperware drawer thingy. Everything that you see on these shelves was in piles all over the room, on the floor. LITERALLY covering the floor. The room is so much nicer to go into now. And it's great to close the door on all my stuff and not have to look at it!
But I did get some of my squares done yesterday for my quilt along. I now have 46 done; 24 to go!
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  1. way to go on your quilt! I haven't even started mine. Don't think it is going to happen either. Oh well. Can't wait to see your when it is finished!

  2. Your closet looks great! I love how it's so easy to see everything, especially the fabric. You have a ton of fabric! I also noticed the serger there mocking me. And yes, I did enlarge the picture to get a better look :-).

  3. Nice work. The closet looks amazing. What day would you like to come over and work your magic here?

  4. Do you think you could come and organize my craft room too! :)
