Monday, August 6, 2012

Brighton's First Day of School

Alright, I'm really going to try now! I've been so bad about blogging and feeling overwhelmed by the idea of playing catch-up, so I'm not gonna do it. I'm starting again from right here. I'm really going to make an effort, ok?

Here's what we did today:
It was Brighton's first day of school! We got her into kindergarten a year early so I wasn't as prepared as I would have been thinking about it all her little life but I didn't cry today so I consider that a success. Here she is eating her breakfast and talking with Dale about how excited she is to get to school.
Modeling her new Hello Kitty backpack. She really did pick this one herself. I thought for sure she'd go for Spiderman or Justin Bieber, but this is the one she wanted : )
Unfortunately for us fashionistas, B's school requires uniforms- either an orange, yellow, or grey school shirt with their little logo on it. But we're gonna work it. She had some orange, yellow and blue hair ties in her hair and we found these cute shorts with an orange, yellow and blue flowered embroidered on it. I think she looked great, and she is actually REALLY excited about the school shirts.
A picture with my girl before we hit the road. My necklace? From here. Kassie, my little sis, visited this past weekend and we both made some really cute ones.
The family outside her classroom building.
This is it!!!
One last picture with daddy.
She just runs in, drops her backpack and settles right in. I tried to say bye and she waves me off and says, "Go mom."
There she is at the first table, on the left, digging in and getting started on drawing. I missed her all day. We asked Mason where Brighton was, he said, "At school." "Do you miss her?" "... (making a sad face, then an extremely lit up, happy face)... NO!" We had a fun day of running errands and lunch with mommy's girlfriends.

And of course, you all want to know what I'm making today:
Some raspberry/strawberry fruit roll-ups for lunches.
And some crackers. They're similar in taste to wheat thins, but not quite as crunchy. They're filled with millet, flax seeds, and whole wheat flour so I feel like they're somewhat healthy, for a cracker anyway.
Dale's out of town tonight so I'm sitting here on the couch relaxing, blogging, watching some TV and enjoying my drink of choice lately- Pellegrino- along with some raspberry shortbread cookies. Now, don't let the minuscule number of cookies fool you, I'd already eaten more than half by the time I took this picture, and they are now completely gone. I'll be getting up shortly to eat some more. : )

And, naturally, those of you in WA want to see what I'm wearing lately. Nude tights. If Kate Middleton can wear them, then so can I. Just kidding. These are my lovely compression stockings that I've been wearing for the past four days. I had my first endovenous ablation treatment on Friday so I've been enjoying a nice round of pain killers this weekend and the great excuse to just sit back and prop my feet up. I had a follow up ultrasound today and everything is looking great. I'm sore and a teeny bit swollen, but only have a little bruising and I'm pretty much back to full function.

As far as REAL fashion goes, I'm rockin' my cropped and rolled boyfriend jeans. Perfectly comfy and very cute. Well, not so cute at the moment with my booger and flour covered t-shirt, but dressed up- you can imagine. : )
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  1. Absolutely cute post!! Love your fashionable tights with the roll up pants, you make them look extra good, lol!! Hope you start feeling better soon!

  2. Welcome back! I look forward to your continuous posting!

  3. You guys are all so cute! I was wondering if Brighton had to wear some sort of uniform when I saw the first picture of the super huge orange t-shirt. At least you make it look good :-). I hope your legs feel better soon!
