Monday, August 13, 2012

Hanging Out With Mason

My little man and I are so much enjoying our time together. He is very sensitive and snugly and he has needed his one on one time for a few years now. He's behaving better, helping more and listening and we're having less confrontation with potty training just in the last week. It's weird how just the few hours together is making him feel more loved and the change is taking place so fast.
Here he is posing on B's bed, showing me how cool he is climbing. Also, his new green shoes- he's worn them almost every day in the last week. : )
Thought I'd share my yummy breakfast with you since I had to share it with Mason, too: water in my pretty teacup, homemade yogurt with homemade granola with dried cranberries, and some homemade zucchini bread with butter- yes that's how much butter I put on it. And it may not have been enough : )
Caught in the act of stealing my cranberries! He ate almost all of them while I was taking the pictures, and while he crawled into my lap as I was eating. He picked them all off, drank my water, and ate half my zucchini bread. Maybe I'll get skinnier now that Mason and I are sharing all this time and meals together.
So he decided he needed to get the bag of berries and get some more for me and for himself.
Once he took over the meal, I tried to snap some pics, but he was hiding.
My happy little Mason. It's hard to believe that he'll be three at the end of this month.
Mason and I also made some cupcakes together. These were so yummy! My mom found this recipe in a magazine, I think. They're called Mini Hummingbird Cupcakes.

Yummy- they were like banana bread cupcakes with nuts, but with a delicious surprise of pineapple and ginger. Oh, and cream cheese frosting.
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