Monday, April 6, 2009

Project Progress

I'm pumping out old projects that have been sitting in my sewing room for a LONG TIME to clear my mind for the Pay It Forward Giveaways that I'm doing. While I have some ideas for a few things to make, I'm still racking my brain for the rest of the ideas. To get the creative process going, I'm trying to make another quilt! Here's the hodge-podge stack of fabric that I'm using. These are leftovers from the last quilt I made, with some other scraps, so I'm being frugal and trying not to spend any money this time! I'll need to buy the batting, but I'm ok with that... There are a few Alexander Henry's in there (my favorite fabric ever!) and then some garage sale finds, remnants and quarters collected from every where, and a few JoAnn's fabrics. I've actually put together the top of the quilt this past weekend, and I'll hopefully figure out what I want to do for the backing in the next few days. You'll just have to be surprised when it's all finished!
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