Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby Shower Gift

This is nothing fancy, but I thought I would share because this ball is crazy! My friend Nicole just had her third boy and her shower was last night. I didn't know what to make for her and have wanted to try this pattern out for ages. It's in the "Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts."

The author found a ball at an antique shop years ago, and made several attempts to recreate it. It's an interesting ball and the way it's put together is really cool. It's called a puzzle ball, and I'm hoping it will be a fun little toy for a new little boy! Seriously, I should get free stuff for promoting this book so much.

I forgot to mention that the sailboat quilt pattern also came from this book.
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  1. I love the cover of that's so beautiful. I wish I were craftier! I'm trying to learn how to crochet this summer so I can make a blanket for the baby. My mom's going to teach me.

    Hope you're feeling well:)

  2. Your quilt blocks look great!
