Friday, June 26, 2009

Boppy Cover

I tried to use my old Boppy cover to help make this, but it was seriously getting crazy. They make them all weird and the pillow is such a weird shape anyways, I was really intimidated. I googled and found a few websites where they mentioned a blog called Economical Baby. Sounds like a great blog, right? Sadly, it no longer exists. But then I stumbled upon Vanilla Joy and she actually had the downloaded tutorial from Economical Baby! The luck!
When my ordered fabric for the baby's room arrived, I thought I bought way too much. But I'm slowly using it all and don't really have all that much left. Luckily the valance is the last thing on my list. I'm sure I'll come up with other stuff later. Or my friends out there who might be having boys- be ready for blue and orange gifts!

I was going to make a boat applique for the Boppy, but decided Dale would appreciate a whale so much more! And I didn't make anything yet with a whale on it. I used some left over blue felt, and embroidered a cute little face on him.

Here's the back of the Boppy. I used a zipper that I bought in a giant bag of zippers at the second hand store. Man, I love shopping there!

FYI: If you're going to make a Boppy cover for yourself, this tutorial was great- not that it's all that complicated, but it's nice to have the pattern. The only thing I didn't like, was in Vanilla Joy's pictures, the cover seemed really REALLY baggy. The tutorial said to do a 1/4" inseam, but I did more like 3/4" and I still feel like it's baggy. So my suggestion is 3/4" and then trim the seam. Or you could just shrink the pattern down a bit to get the perfect size. I also used a 20" zipper and it was perfect; the tute says to use a 24".
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  1. I love it! It looks sooo cute! I love the whale too. Your boys room is going to be so much fun!

  2. Mason is going to be so coordinating. Nice work.
