Friday, June 5, 2009

Brighton's Village Frock

I can't believe I forgot to share this with you earlier in the week! Again, that pile of WIPs is getting pounded into- I've had the fabric sitting on my desk with the pattern ever since Dale got it for me for my birthday.

I am IN LOVE with this pattern, and so grateful that I had my serger. It seriously looks so professional, at least to me. And Dale- the great husband that he is- paid me the awesome compliment that it looks like something you'd buy in a store! The pattern was VERY easy to follow with great illustrations and precise directions. I only wish that Brighton could fit into it now.

I worked every free moment I had last Friday and finished it up last Saturday, ready for her to wear it to church on Sunday. The smallest size on the pattern is a 2T, but this seemed like it would fit her. Nope. I've got a few more months to wait, as do you, to see her in it.

FYI- If you end up getting this pattern (link), add a few inches to the length of the dress if you don't want it to be too short. The designer of the pattern tends to like things short (as she puts it at the end of the instructions- I guess I should have read ahead) and the dress is the perfect length now- who knows what it will be like in a few months. I've got my fingers crossed it's not TOO short by then. But I guess it gives me plenty of time to make a matching set of bloomers?
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1 comment:

  1. You are really making me jealous about your serger. I need to get mine (aka my mom's) fixed so I can experience the wonderfulness of serging.
