Friday, June 5, 2009

The Garden Is Sprouting!

Ok, Dale and I are NO experts when it comes to gardening. We know nothing about it, and just thought we'd kind of wing it this summer, see how it goes, and learn for next year. Dale is better than I am at keeping things green. I killed a potted cactus a few years ago, seriously, a cactus, and a house plant not too long ago.
We finally planted all the seeds last weekend (I know, but better late than never!). We didn't do any starters in the house. I was just lazy and didn't want cups all over the place and, again, we figured we'd just "learn by doing" this year. Here's some of the cucumber peeking out of the ground. I think I'm supposed to thin it out in a bit- I'll have to double check. But hey- it's growing! In our super crappy soil that's mostly rocks and clay- yay! We figured, if the strawberries can handle it, perhaps the veggies can too.
And, my family will LOVE this- here are my radishes! I say MY because Dale has already told me he's not going to eat them, ever. I guess it's just me and my family that love radishes. More for me! I know that I have to thin these little sprouts out soon.

Yay, they're alive! Maybe I have a green thumb hidden somewhere after all. I can't wait for more little green guys to peek out of the ground!
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  1. yoo hoo! Way to go Hibler's your cucumbers do look a bit crowded and I do come from a major gardening family. I lived in farm town for heaven sakes. For the future, when you plant cucumbers try planting them on a 2-3 ft wide mound of dirt and place the seeds in 5 or 6 spots around the mound I think you'll have better luck that way. My family was also big on radishes. However, I like Dale was never a fan. They look like they are doing great though. Congrats.

  2. Great start to the garden. Matt and I love radishes too! They are the very best fresh from the garden. I am excited for you!
