Friday, January 16, 2009

Aubrey's 2nd Birthday

So this is a little late in being posted, but it's better late than never, right? December was such a blur for me, and I know the blog entries are stacking up, so I decided to take the time to get some out of the way! These pictures are from Aubrey Brown's 2nd Birthday party at Gymboree on December 7th. Brighton had a lot of fun, once she decided to stop clinging to me and check stuff out. But once she was out on her own, she didn't even bother coming back to find me or Dale. We had so much fun just watching her and following her around.
She found all the stuffed animals, of course, and had fun trying to carry them all. Then there was a bubble blower- AMAZING! Brighton had no idea what to even think of it all.

There was music to dance and sing to, maracas to play with, and buckets of balls.
And, what party is complete with out some cake and juice? Brighton hasn't really ever used a straw before, so it was interesting. She had a couple swigs and then I decided that was enough juice for her! You can tell I was having loads of fun trying to feed a baby a frosted cupcake in my lap. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't any messier. Happy Birthday Aubrey, we had so much fun!

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