Thursday, August 13, 2009

On A Walk

We went for a walk Tuesday evening. I was feeling good and had some energy, and we thought Brighton might enjoy some playtime at the park near our house. We took along the camera just in case there were some photo opps.
Brighton played on the swings with Daddy.
She's laughing and having a good time!
Going down the big slide all by herself! She LOVES slides. We told her we were going to the park and she immediately said, "Slide?"
I found these little critters while I was sitting on a bench, resting. Aren't they so cool? Growing up in Arizona, I can't recall ever seeing a snail (maybe there were some itty bitty ones), let alone one with these giant shells. Brighton thought they were fun, too.
I thought I would get some more camera practice by snagging a picture of this spider. I think spiders are the most disgusting things in the world, but their webs are cool and I liked how this guy was just hanging out in the middle.
On our walk we picked some wild blackberries. Yum! I think Brighton and I actually ate more than went in the bag. Oh well.
Dale got this spider hanging out on the blackberry bushes.
We also found this wasp nest in one of the fence posts. Pretty cool, huh? Again, I don't REALLY like bugs, but these guys were interesting to see just hanging out at home.
And here's me on our walk, searching for the ripest berries. Gotta feed that belly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much fun! Clayton likes the slides too, but you kind of have to convince him to go down it. He likes the trip up to the slide and that is about it!