Monday, January 18, 2010

Dale's Party Cont'd

For some reason I can't get these pictures on the other post! So Dale's party cont'd...
Here's Brighton in her hot pink shirt and she wore a black and white bubble skirt. She wore these sunglasses all night! And ate candy necklaces and stole all the glow bracelets she could get her hands on.
Here's everyone in their 80's wear! Sorry if you don't like how you turned out in this picture- it was seriously the best one. We all had weird faces in the others...
So, this picture was taken after everyone went home- after midnight! Most of my bright blush and blue eyeshadow had melted off. My hair is not as big (not ENOUGH hairspray I guess), but you get the idea. And it's fuzzy. Oh well.

I didn't get a picture of Dale in his guitar tee or his acid wash jeans, but he DID wear it. I finally got him to dress up!


Mama J said...

Another reason why I should read the Post before looking at the pictures!!! I was like WOW.. Who's the awesome guy with the bandana on!!! WOAH!!! Your HOT! Skinny McSKINNY Pants!!!

Brianne said...

Love the picture. I love that Carter is the only kid smiling. Great party! We had such a fun time and you did an amazing job. Happy birthday, Dale!

Lauren said...

You are a hot mamma!