Friday, February 12, 2010

Brighton's New Quilt

You may have noticed Brighton's quilt on her bed in her room pictures, and if not, shame on you! While we've been potty training I brought my sewing machine downstairs so I could do something while I'm on Brighton like flies on...
I found an old linen table cloth at an antique store about a year and a half ago with the intentions of making it be a quilt top, quilting around all the fun shapes. Boy did I get ahead of myself! I did about three of the shapes and got fed up, ripped out the threads and decided to just stipple the thing. Wow. I LOVE stippling. It goes way fast! The back is just a plain, light pink sheet that I bought at IKEA for $2 (not THIS year, I'm still good with my "don't spend money" resolution). And then I bound it in some scraps from a sheet I bought ages ago and made my apron out of. (wow, that was a LONG time ago...)
I also hid a little heart in the quilting. I just thought it would be so much more-super-cuter that way. Can you see it?
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1 comment:

Brianne said...

Cute! And I agree, stippling is the best. I'm probably just saying that because I can't do cool pictures like flowers and butterflies.

I love B's kitchen!